Go into your Settings and tap on Mobile Data or Cellular Data.
Swipe for next step
Tap on Add eSIM.
Tap Use QR Code.
Scan QR code found in the email or My Account.
Tap on Enter Details Manually
Enter the ActivationAddress and ActivationCode from the email or My Account
Tap Continue to activate the eSIM.
Set Mobile Data to the new TraveleSIM.ch eSIM then Tap on the green arrow to enable Roaming.
Enable Data Roaming on the eSIM from TraveleSIM.ch
You are now ready to start using your new eSIM
Slide down the "status / navigation bar", select the Settings cog wheel.
Click on Connections
Navigate to SIM manager
Click Add eSIM
Click on Scan QR code
Scan the QR code found in the email you received or under My Account --> Orders
Save the QR code found in the email you received or under My Account --> Orders to your phones gallery.
Then click on the gallery button, and find the QR code.
In the email you received or under My Account --> Orders find and copy the ActivationAddress and ActivationCode then click on Enter activation code
Enter the details copied from the email or My Account --> order and paste it.